Farm Stand
Looking for hand-gathered eggs, raw local honey, seasonal veggies, or other farm goods? We can help! Contact us by email to check stock and schedule a day and time for pick up. Our product availability is dependent upon the season.
Raw Local Honey
100% raw honey made by Ivory Acre’s honey bees from Texas sunshine, rain, and wildflowers.
3 sizes available:
• 6 oz – $12
• 8 oz – $16
• 10 oz – $20
A note about crystallization: Our honey is raw honey, meaning it has never been heated or filtered. It has only been strained once to remove any beeswax that has made it through extraction. This means that our honey will crystallize fairly quickly. Honey that has crystallized has only changed texture, but still has all of the flavor and benefits of raw honey. Should you wish to return your honey to its liquid state, place the jar in a pot of warm water. Never boil or use the microwave.

Hand Gathered Chicken Eggs
A rainbow assortment of 1 dozen hand gathered chicken eggs from our free range hens.
$5 per dozen
Hand Gathered Duck Eggs
A half dozen carton of hand gathered, large eggs from our free range ducks. Most of our ducks lay white eggs, but on occasion we get an egg with a gray bloom from one of our Cayuga ducks.
$3 per half dozen