Our Story
About us
Hi and welcome to our page! We are Danny and Courtney Dyer, the faces behind Ivory Acres. We are first generation farmers with three little farmers in training. Shortly after we settled in, we hit the ground running to learn ALL the things as we excitedly embraced farm life. Currently, our farm consists of an apiary of 12 beehives, a coop with 20+ chickens and ducks, 3 donkeys, and a garden. Later this spring, we are expanding to include a fresh, cut flower patch and a pollinator garden. Thanks for joining us. We are so glad you are here!
our History
In the late spring of 2020, we bought 18 acres of land just east of Central Texas. Later that fall, we began our farm build and were officially moved in by mid spring the next year, thus establishing Ivory Acres Farm in 2021.

Hand-gathered eggs
A rainbow assortment gathered daily from our free range chickens and ducks.

raw honey
Hand bottled 100% raw honey made from TX sunshine, rain, and wildflowers.

Fresh, Cut flowers
Seasonal flower bouquet subscriptions and U-Pick It events coming soon.

Meet the owners
All About Courtney
Courtney has a Master’s degree in Reading Education and taught as an elementary teacher for 12 years before making the switch to homeschool mama and aspiring farmer. She has a passion for learning new things and absolutely loves to plan, which makes her the dreamer and designer behind all of the projects that happen here on the farm.
All About Danny
Danny has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and has been a software engineer within the gaming industry for 14+ years. He is logical and loves to build things, which makes him the brains and muscle behind all of the projects that happen here on the farm.
What’s in a name?
Golly, coming up with a name for our farm proved to be a very difficult task. Danny and I went round and round the table for quite some time until we finally came up with Ivory Acres. And when we heard it, we knew that was it. The name was so fitting. White happens to be one of my absolute favorite colors. It’s simple, clean, and classic. It is also my favorite color for flowers. Plus, every structure built on the farm gets a fresh coat of white paint upon completion. And what we are trying to do here on our farm is live a more simple, clean life while getting back to the basics. Yep, the name is fitting indeed.